Description for Xiaomi curved ultrawide gaming monitor, 30-inches, wfhd, 200hz, 4ms, bhr5117hk black ...
The curved ultrawide gaming monitor, 30-inches, wfhd, 200hz, 4ms, bhr5117hk black Monitor is manufactured by XIAOMI and was added around January 2024.
This version of the Monitor comes in Color : Black , Screen Size : 30 Inch , Refresh Rate : 200 HZ.
The product is sold at 1 online shop in Kuwait in Kuwait.
The best price for the Xiaomi curved ultrawide gaming monitor, in Kuwait is KWD 68 sold at Xcite and available with free shipping and delivery within 1-4 days.
Available payment methods are Visa,COD,MasterCard
Product is also sold at Xcite for a price up to KWD 68.
Video Reviews for Xiaomi curved ultrawide gaming monitor, 30-inches, wfhd, 200hz, 4ms, bhr5117hk black ...
Curved Monitor Xiaomi Redmi 30-inch, WFHD Resolution and 200Hz